Be True To Yourself
The strength to become the hero of your own life resides within YOU, be a CREATOR and make your dreams come true.

Andrea Teruel Diez got her Biological Sciences degree from Spain. After finishing her studies, she moved to Canada. During the eleven years she lived in Canada, she worked as an environmental consultant and completed two Masters of Science degrees. Before going back to Spain in 2019, she realized there were energetic blockages preventing her from becoming her true self and creating her ideal life. As a result, she began to get interested in energy psychology. She has done the Basic and Advanced courses of PSYCH-K®. She is the author of the non-fiction book “Create your ideal life. Open the door to your dreams” (in English and Spanish) and the bilingual trilogy for children “The Magical Teachings of an Antennian Family,” which is based on the adult book.
Your New Life
If you have read my book “Create your ideal life. Open the door to your dreams”, you will remember that one of the principles I have decided to follow in my life is to help others to be happy. One way to do this is to help you reprogram your limiting (or disempowering) beliefs. These beliefs are engraved in your subconscious mind and can be preventing you from living the life of your dreams. A life full of joy, happiness, health, wealth, and love. I invite you to join me on this journey. Together we are stronger!
If you are ready to change and be happier, I would like to help you with PSYCH-K®. PSYCH-K® is a non-invasive energy psychology methodology that allows you to change your subconscious programs quickly and safely. PSYCH-K® uses processes called «balances» that allow you to create a “whole-brain state.” I talk more about this in chapter 6 of my book. There are two balances which I consider really important: the “Life Bonding Balance” and the “Core Belief Balance.” While the Life Bonding Balance addresses “birth trauma” and “fear of physical death,” the “Core Belief Balance” includes 13 pairs of beliefs that represent basic and vital topics such as self-love, forgiveness, and the connection to Divine Intelligence. If you want to give yourself and PSYCH-K® a try, let me know. The decision is in your hands. With love, Andrea
Give a Tip
My goal is to live my life following my book’s principles. If you would like to give me a tip (non-refundable), you can do it here. I will invest part of this tip to keep learning about methods and techniques to help others. With love, Andrea.