• Mind body and spirit


    The term “midlife crisis” was first coined by Elliott Jaques in 1965 (Infurna et al., 2020). It is usually used to refer to physical and mental changes suffered by people between the ages of 40 to 60 (Lachman et al., 2015; Infurna et al., 2020). Those changes are usually the result of multiple factors such as career development, financial stability, changes in family composition, and mortality (Infurna et al., 2020). When people reach the 40-60 range, they may decide to take care of their parents while supporting their role as parents. Middle age individuals usually provide care, financial, and emotional support to younger adult children and elderly parents (Lachman et…

  • Mind body and spirit


    Welcome back! This is going to be our second e-meeting. How have you been? If you have followed my previous advice, which I call it the “I dare to” challenge, you must feel better than before. Nevertheless, it is also true that some people are not used to receive compliments so they may look at you with a weird expression, but you should be proud of yourself and feel happy when you sincerely share those positive comments. If you have started to read my book (Create your ideal life. Open the door to your dreams), I would like to advise you to give a first light read and then go…

  • Mind body and spirit


    This is my first post on the blog and our first online meeting (e-meeting). It is a pleasure to have you here, so I would like to welcome you. Welcome to your new home! You are unique, you are a fundamental part of the change that has already started in this beautiful world. You were born to be happy and illuminate those who are still in the dark, those who are lost and walk on a foggy path. However, the first step to help others is for you to be happy with yourself because when that happens your happiness will spread to those around you. Like the waves which are…